Friday, April 19, 2013

Terror at your door? Welcome to the Rest of the World.

We live a pretty coddled life here in North America. We can freely complain about our leaders without fear of secret police showing up in the middle of the night to drag us away. We can protest a myriad of issues (usually) without being tear gassed, shot, run over by tanks, or beaten by police in riot gear. We can also freely walk down the street, go to work, or eat in a cafe without the fear of being bombed... well, until recently.

The "Boston Marathon Bombings" have rattled our sense of security and slapped the United States awake. If someone wants to hurt you, they can, and quite easily. Weapons are easy to make. Humans are ingenious when it comes to thinking up ways to kill each other. This is not new. What is new is that it is happening on North American soil. The war is here and we are shocked, appalled, and terrified. Really?

It always surprises me when people are shocked about bombings on US soil. How long did we think we could allow our governments to bomb civilians overseas without feeling the repercussions? You think the World Trade and Boston was scary? Try living in a place where that is a daily occurrence. Then you will know terror.

How entitled are we to believe civilians from other countries would not eventually retaliate? You can call them terrorists, insurgents, or fanatics. But in the end they are people who have been seen loved ones perish, and their governments and economies crash at the hand of a foreign power. They are people who want to send a message in anyway they can. 

Don't get me wrong, I have no love for people who target civilians to send a message - but that includes ALL people and ALL governments that resort to these tactics. For me, there is no such thing as a sanctioned attack against innocents. There is no such thing as collateral damage. It is all murder.

I also understand that incidents here at home have a greater impact on us. Of course it is normal and natural to feel empathetic and shocked by tragic incidents that hit "close to home", but people should not lose sight of what is happening across the world. Bombings happen everyday in the Middle East, Asia and even parts of Europe. Are your thoughts and prayers with those people? If not, maybe you should really examine why.

Do we really believe an American, British, French, Israeli or Canadian life is worth more than a Pakistani, Afghani, Iraqi or Iranian life? Do people in Libya, Syria, and Egypt deserve their civil unrest and the death that has ensued? Why is North America's social media wrought with thoughts and prayers for the 3 people killed in  Boston this week, but not the 27 people killed in a Baghdad cafe bombing?

So while you are glued to CNN today waiting to see if they capture or kill the second bombing suspect, ask yourself these two questions:
1. How many others are out there waiting to wage attacks on US soil, and why?
2. As your government becomes more of a security state, who is the real loser in all this?

"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people, and the West in general, into an unbearable hell and a choking life." 
Now that's a scary thought. Let's pray that he wasn't right.

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